Hanami Dango Dumplings: History, Flavors & Recipe
As cherry blossom season creeps ever closer, pink, spring-themed snacks are popping up in convenience stores and supermarkets all over Japan!

Japanese Donuts: Types, Ingredients & Recipe
One of the main differences between the types of Japanese donuts lies in the dry ingredients used for them.

How to Make Matcha Tea Without a Whisk
Unlike other green teas, matcha is a fine powder produced by drying and grinding specially cultivated tea leaves, thereby conserving all of the leaves’ nutrients.

Dorayaki: Japan’s Red Bean Pancake Guide & Recipe
Dorayaki are a Japanese confection made up of two miniature pancake-like patties with sweet azuki bean paste, called anko, nestled inside.

Japanese Star Candy Konpeito: History, Flavors & More
Found in traditional candy stores across Japan – Konpeito is one candy that virtually every Japanese person is familiar with.

What is Mochi, and How is it Made: A Guide!
For many Japanese, making mochi (glutinous rice cakes) is a time-honored tradition. As a variety of Japanese cakes made from sticky rice dough, mochi comes in many different shapes and flavors.