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A shrine gate (torii) in Japan during a full moon.

Japan Moon Shrines: An Amazing Guide for the Fall!

Otsukimi, also known as the Moon Viewing Festival, occurs in the lunar calendar on the 15th day of the eighth month. It is a traditional celebration where people honor and admire the moon and Japan’s moon gods. It has become a formal festival with many unique customs linked to sacred locations such as shrines and…

August 08, 2024Read More

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Sakuraco April 2023 Reviewer Contest Winners Announced

Thank you to everyone who has submitted the review! As the cherry blossoms bloomed and filled the air with their sweet fragrance, we couldn’t help but feel the joy and warmth they bring. In the spirit of celebration, we would like to announce the lucky winners of our April 2023 reviewer contest! Congratulations to all…

May 16, 2023
Discover Japan

Japanese Sweet Potatoes: Delicious Food Sustainability in a Nutshell

Among the many sustainable delights that Japan has to offer, Japanese sweet potatoes hold a special place. Take a deep dive into the concept of food sustainability in Japan and explore how it is practiced.

May 16, 2023
Discover Japan
A woman walking along a path of the sakura tree blossom. She is wearing a blue kimono and holding a red and white parasol.

Experience the Magic of the Sakura Tree Blossom in Japan!

In Japan, spring is an excellent time full of cultural traditions, beautiful scenery, and tasty foods. The soft pink petals of the sakura tree blossom have been the subject of many works of art. 

May 11, 2023
Food & Drink
A bowl of strawberries in Japan, answering "are strawberries a fruit".

Are Strawberries a Fruit–In the Winter?

Strawberries are a winter fruit in Japan instead of a summer fruit in the West. Because many farmers in Japan use unique agricultural techniques , Japanese strawberries are very popular year-round! 

May 10, 2023
Discover Japan
A man wearing jinbei clothing while fanning himself on the summer porch.

What is Jinbei Clothing: The Best Traditional Summer Attire!

Jinbei clothing is a traditional summer garment popular in Japan for centuries! Let’s explore the secrets behind this summer favorite!

May 10, 2023
Discover Japan
A woman wearing an indigo blue yukata while holding a blue uchiwa fan.

Yukata vs. Kimono: The Best Summer Guide

Japanese culture is full of unique traditions and customs, and one of its most iconic and recognizable aspects is the traditional clothing worn by Japanese people. Two of the most famous examples of Japanese clothing are the yukata and the kimono.

May 10, 2023

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